Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What will cause hives and lip and eye swelling besides allergic reactions?

I have been suffering with hives since last January I also have swelling of my lips and eyes. I have been to a specialist who says I am not allergic to any thing that he can find. I feel flushed alot have itchy hands and sometimes suffer from extreme anal itch. My bowel movements have increased and I have acid reflux sometimes. I have gained a few extra pounds and my breathing seems heavy at times. I am constantly tired and I stay hot. I have been to the doctor and the emergency room numerous times and all they do is prescribe me with short term steroids and a allergy medication similar to benadryl. I feel as though I am going crazy, I cannot find a specific pattern with my sweling or hives or a specific culprit. My insides seem to burn alot but this could be nerves because of frustration with my problem. HELP I am going crazy people should not have to live like this although their doctors tell them they have to.What will cause hives and lip and eye swelling besides allergic reactions?
I would recommend that you find a different allergist. Hives are an allergic reaction, just because your allergist can't find it, doesn't make it not so.What will cause hives and lip and eye swelling besides allergic reactions?



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my 4 year old son was going thru this and im surprised your specialist hasnt told you this but stress can cause the hives as well if theres alot of yelling in your home or your nervous about a test or whatever hives can be brought out you stay hot because of the hives soak in a cool bath yes bath put some aveeno oatmeal in the bath. you need to go to the doctors and demand that they do some x-rays or you want to see gi doctor or whoever but demand it you pay for it or your insurance make sure they are handling you right dont let them blow you off there is no reason for you to be going thru this, this long i am appauled
WELL%26lt;IF YOUR ALLERGIST CAN';T FIND ANYTHING YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO(which is odd) then it could be stress!!!!!!You would be amazed at what extreme stress can do to ones body.It can even cause you to experience episodes of anxiety attacks.I went through all of your same symptoms,I truly understand: I get allergy shots,i was on steroids,i am on anxiety meds,and estrogen for the hot flash crap.I went through it for a year!!!!Good luck to you!!!!!!!
I get hives all the time on my legs and back. I just take benadryl and it helps me. I think it is because your sensative to the weather, because it changes often or it is either too hot or too cold.

Could you have a Gland problem????? You might want to see a Dr who specilizes in glandular problems/dysfunctions.

Sounds like the syndrome of '; did you ever hear about the insane guy who went to the Dr and the Dr treated him for a broken arm???(joke)

Please don't say you started seeing this Dr last January for some other reason!!!

AND exactly HOW many things has this guy tested you with???

The guy is a Dr not a God and shame on HIM for keeping track of your bill as he keeps taking your $$ (or insurance $). what a Die hard at your expense.

You poor thing!

Have you moved or changed jobs or bought a new car or or or or purchased something else... did you add a new candy to your diet or find a new food you started eating around that time (or before) change Soaps, Detergent? Girlfriends or got a new roommate or re-married or anything? Since last January or what were you doing just before last January that you may have became exposed to something (in the air) or (food)(or worse)

could you have been poisioned by something????

Maybe not an allergey at all

Have you tried a Dr of Internal Medicine yet?

Wow this is scarry- I would be too.

Thinking back to the best of my recollation though as a former nursing student (never gratuated) the THYROID gland does regulate body temperature and metabolism. Hmmmmm

Thyroid expert, maybe that may help. To find one you may want to try Whos who in the Library RF section (not on the web) sir and quit dicking around.

For a laugh though has anyone told you yet about how many people spend to get lip injections ... Just kidding. (just trying to cheer you up....I know not everybody likes my sense of humor sometimes)

My gut feeling is diet or poisioning though because of what is going on.

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