Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What should I do with lip/eye makeup?

People always say to highlight either your lips or your eyes, not both. I've been told my lips are more prominent/are my better feature, but does this mean I should work more to bring out my eyes or does it mean I should highlight my lips even more?

Thanks in advance! :)What should I do with lip/eye makeup?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTC5AA6vk鈥?/a>What should I do with lip/eye makeup?
If YOU like your lips better, then yes, you should highlight your lips a little more. But its up to you. If you do decide to highlight your lips, leave the eyes a little more neutral, and vice versa. It may take a little bit of experimenting to figure out how you look best!
I'd say eyes, so that both will be beautiful and you'd look gorgeous all over, and not just your lips which - in the end - will be overly done.


Answer mine?

i think it would be better if you highlight your lips
bring out your lips more ,cuz it'll make people jealous ;)

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