A stye (also spelled sty) or hordeolum is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashes. While they produce no lasting damage, they can be quite painful.
Could you have both?Is pink eye ever accopanied by a small white bumb on the inner eye lip that is pain ful?
sounds like a stye. you can get stye medicne at the store.
The white bump is called a Stye - so you have pink eye and a stye.
A stye is basically dirt that has gotten clogged in the pore of the eye and it should clear up on it's own although you can get an anti-biotic ointment that helps it to clear.
I had that in college...forgot what it was called but I had to get a prescription ointment for it. I think its called a stye (sty?). Pronounced like die but with an st instead of d. Look it up.
I remember having that when I had pink eye years ago.
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